ESG Certification

Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) data are indicators of intangible assets within the company. Research shows that intangible assets make up an increasing percentage of future business value.

An evaluation of company performance based on its own criteria and / or on the requirements of national or international standards in the environmental, social responsibility and governance sectors lead to the issue of an ESG Certificate.

The ESG certification audit evaluates the correct analysis of ESG risks and the implementation of the consequent measures adopted by the company related to its ESG criteria and / or national or international standards. The main advantage for the company will be to create mechanisms to continuously improve ESG performance with clear and definable results for customers, employees and stakeholders (shareholders and investors).

“The choice of a recognized standard and its effective implementation is the only real value. Everything else is just greenwashing and / or certificationwashing, unfortunately”.

Giuseppe Lepore, Senior ESG Lead Auditor.